Everyone thinks that when they were young was the best decade that ever happened. Well, as a child of the 80s and 90s, I am here to tell you that only one group is right, and it’s us. The 80s and 90s really were an amazing time: giant hair, boy bands, Brendan Fraser in his prime. What’s not to like? We’ve gathered memes and images from around the web to prove to you that the 80s and 90s really were the best of all possible decades. Read on to see if you agree or if we’re just looking back with nostalgia-tinted glasses.
Stay Golden
You know you’re an 80s expert when you see four older women together and immediately think of the iconic quartet of women who make up the Golden Girls, and of the iconic theme song for the TV show. I never even watched the show, and I still immediately started singing along when I read this.

The craziest thing that I recently learned about the Golden Girls is how young they actually are. I always thought they were ancient, partly because their hair and clothing reflect what I remember very old people wearing back then. In actuality, though, the characters, other than Sophia, were fairly young—in their 50s and 60s.