#44: The Dark Origins of the Word ‘Mortgage’
Have you ever pondered the hidden meanings behind everyday terms? Prepare to be captivated by the intriguing etymology of the word ‘mortgage.’ Surprisingly, this commonplace financial concept harbors a dark secret rooted in history. Derived from the French term ‘mort gage,’ meaning ‘death pledge,’ the word ‘mortgage’ reveals a startling connection to our mortality. Unveiling the macabre nature of this age-old contract, it elucidates a striking truth: a mortgage holds its grip until the final breath.

As we delve into the depths of linguistic history, we find ourselves face-to-face with extraordinary insight, reminding us of the profound significance attached to our long-lasting financial obligations. Next time you utter the word ‘mortgage,’ let its origin serve as a poignant reminder of the entwined relationship between life, death, and the commitments we make.