#13: Using Mice as Toothpaste
Speaking of which, we’re about to venture into the peculiar world of ancient dental hygiene! Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping fact from the depths of ancient Rome. Picture this: a time when mice weren’t just cheeky little rodents but secret ingredients in the quest for a dazzling smile. Yes, you heard it right. In a twist that would make even the bravest soul cringe, the crushed brains of those unsuspecting squeaky critters were apparently employed as a rather unconventional toothpaste.

Forget minty freshness—this was a whole new level of “rodent-ly” dental care! It’s almost as if ancient Romans believed that a touch of mouse magic would grant them the brightest of smiles. Oh, the lengths people would go to for that perfect set of pearly whites! Thankfully, modern toothpaste has come a long way since those curious times, leaving us with one question: Did those ancient Romans say “cheese” before brushing?